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Ditemukan Fosil Hidup Ubur-Ubur di China

Written By Unknown on Monday, 1 August 2011 | 19:00


Seekor ubur-ubur langka ditemukan di anak sungai China. Ubur-ubur ini dinyatakan sebagai fosil hidup karena seharusnya sudah punah. Seperti apa?

Foto yang diambil pada 27 Juli lalu itu menunjukkan seekor ubur-ubur air tawar di anak sungai di Taishan Mountain di area Tai’an City, timur propinsi Shangdong. Anggota staf Taishan Mountain-lah yang menemukan ubur-ubur air tawar langka ini.

Ubur-ubur air tawar merupakan coelenterate yang sangat tua yang mendekati kepunahan. Ubur-ubur ini telah hidup di Bumi selama 1,5 miliar tahun dan dianggap sebagai fosil hidup.

Ubur-ubur ini hanya bisa hidup di area bebas polusi dengan kadar asam air tawar cukup dengan suhu lebih rendah dari 35 derajat Celcius seperti ditulis Xinhua. [mor]


Photo taken on July 27, 2011 shows a freshwater jellyfish in a rivulet in the Taishan Mountain scenic area in Tai'an City, east China's Shandong Province. Staff members of Taishan Mountain scenic area found the rare freshwater jellyfish in a rivulet in Taishan Mountain on Wednesday. Freshwater jellyfish is a very old coelenterate which is near extinction. Having lived on earth for some 1.5 billion years, it is considered a living fossil. Freshwater jellyfish only lives in pollution-free mildly acidic freshwater with the temperature lower than 35 degrees Celsius. (Xinhua/Xu Suhui)

CHINA-SHANDONG-TAISHAN MOUNTAIN-FRESHWATER JELLYFISH (CN) Photo taken on July 27, 2011 shows a freshwater jellyfish in a rivulet in the Taishan Mountain scenic area in Tai'an City, east China's Shandong Province. Staff members of Taishan Mountain scenic area found the rare freshwater jellyfish in a rivulet in Taishan Mountain on Wednesday. Freshwater jellyfish is a very old coelenterate which is near extinction. Having lived on earth for some 1.5 billion years, it is considered a living fossil. Freshwater jellyfish only lives in pollution-free mildly acidic freshwater with the temperature lower than 35 degrees Celsius. (Xinhua/Xu Suhui)

CHINA-SHANDONG-TAISHAN MOUNTAIN-FRESHWATER JELLYFISH (CN) Photo taken on July 27, 2011 shows a freshwater jellyfish in a rivulet in the Taishan Mountain scenic area in Tai'an City, east China's Shandong Province. Staff members of Taishan Mountain scenic area found the rare freshwater jellyfish in a rivulet in Taishan Mountain on Wednesday. Freshwater jellyfish is a very old coelenterate which is near extinction. Having lived on earth for some 1.5 billion years, it is considered a living fossil. Freshwater jellyfish only lives in pollution-free mildly acidic freshwater with the temperature lower than 35 degrees Celsius. (Xinhua/Xu Suhui)

CHINA-SHANDONG-TAISHAN MOUNTAIN-FRESHWATER JELLYFISH (CN) Photo taken on July 27, 2011 shows a freshwater jellyfish in a rivulet in the Taishan Mountain scenic area in Tai'an City, east China's Shandong Province. Staff members of Taishan Mountain scenic area found the rare freshwater jellyfish in a rivulet in Taishan Mountain on Wednesday. Freshwater jellyfish is a very old coelenterate which is near extinction. Having lived on earth for some 1.5 billion years, it is considered a living fossil. Freshwater jellyfish only lives in pollution-free mildly acidic freshwater with the temperature lower than 35 degrees Celsius. (Xinhua/Xu Suhui)


A staff member holds a bottle of water which contains a freshwater jellyfish in the Taishan Mountain scenic area in Tai'an City, east China's Shandong Province, July 27, 2011. Staff members of Taishan Mountain scenic area found the rare freshwater jellyfish in a rivulet in Taishan Mountain on Wednesday. Freshwater jellyfish is a very old coelenterate which is near extinction. Having lived on earth for some 1.5 billion years, it is considered a living fossil. Freshwater jellyfish only lives in pollution-free mildly acidic freshwater with the temperature lower than 35 degrees Celsius. (Xinhua/Xu Suhui)

sumber :http://teknologi.inilah.com/read/detail/1754532/ditemukan-fosil-hidup-ubur-ubur-di-china


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